Category Archives: Economics

A Comparative Analysis of Communism, Socialism, and Liberalism

What we refer to as leftwing economics is not monolithic. Communism, socialism, and liberalism are prominent political ideologies that have distinct approaches to economics. By examining their economic systems and views on private ownership, we can better understand the similarities and differences among these ideologies. This essay focuses on comparing and contrasting the economic aspects… Read More »

US debt default could trigger dollar’s collapse – and severely erode America’s political and economic might

5/10/2023 – Michael Humphries, Touro University Congressional leaders at loggerheads over a debt ceiling impasse sat down with President Joe Biden on May 9, 2023, as the clock ticks down to a potentially catastrophic default if nothing is done by the end of the month. Republicans, who regained control of the House of Representatives in… Read More »

Wages: why are they not keeping up with inflation?

By David Spencer, University of Leeds | May 31, 2022 There has been a huge amount of concern about rising inflation in recent months, and it’s made worse by the fact that wage inflation has not been keeping up. A few workers in high-paid jobs have enjoyed higher bonuses and inflation-busting pay rises – it has… Read More »

World’s biggest port returning to normal, but supply chains will get worse before better

By Sarah Schiffling, Liverpool John Moores U. & Nikolaos Valantasis Kanellos, Technological U. Dublin | May 24, 2022 Shanghai is slowly emerging from a gruelling COVID lockdown that has all but immobilised the city since March. Although Shanghai’s port, which handles one-fifth of China’s shipping volumes, has been operating throughout, it has been running at severely reduced… Read More »