Category Archives: Featured

A Comparative Analysis of Communism, Socialism, and Liberalism

What we refer to as leftwing economics is not monolithic. Communism, socialism, and liberalism are prominent political ideologies that have distinct approaches to economics. By examining their economic systems and views on private ownership, we can better understand the similarities and differences among these ideologies. This essay focuses on comparing and contrasting the economic aspects… Read More »

Grand infrastructure projects aren’t a magic bullet for industrial development – insights from Ghana and Kenya

Seth Schindler, University of Manchester and Tom Gillespie, University of Manchester The African Union’s flagship Agenda 2063 initiative prioritises large-scale infrastructure development and promises to “link the continent by rail, road, sea and air”. This is being undertaken in parallel with efforts to improve economic integration. In 2021, the 54 countries on the continent made… Read More »

US debt default could trigger dollar’s collapse – and severely erode America’s political and economic might

5/10/2023 – Michael Humphries, Touro University Congressional leaders at loggerheads over a debt ceiling impasse sat down with President Joe Biden on May 9, 2023, as the clock ticks down to a potentially catastrophic default if nothing is done by the end of the month. Republicans, who regained control of the House of Representatives in… Read More »

Why Do We Have a Debt Limit?

The history of the U.S. debt limit process dates back to the early years of the United States. Here’s a brief overview of its history and the reasons behind its establishment: Founding Years: The U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1788, granted the federal government the power to borrow money. However, concerns about excessive debt and the… Read More »

Spending and Saving Strategies for 2023

(NewsUSA) – The past few years have upended many perceptions of financial stability. A layoff or career change, inflation never before seen by younger generations and the lingering uncertainty of the pandemic might have thrown off your financial planning. The new year is a great time to review your strategies for smart spending and saving so… Read More »

Is A Debt-Free Life Possible?

(NewsUSA) – “To say we were disorganized is putting it mildly.” Like so many Americans, they didn’t have a plan for their money. The problem is often not how much money a family makes, but that they have no idea what they’re spending it on. Seventy-eight percent of full-time workers say they live paycheck to… Read More »